Today let's look at creating a workout for developing strength and fat loss with a variety of functional strength moves. When looking to add some muscle and strength while losing some fat the best is still the old standby weight training.
I want to show you a workout I've been playing around with that combines weight training, bodyweight training, Interval and Tabata training. If you have been following some of my posts and articles you know I like to mix things up.
For years I stuck with the common bodybuilding split routine four days a week upper body two days lower body the other two days. I normally would do 3-4 exercises per body part. Now there is nothing wrong with this type of workout but I tend to get bored easily (take my job please). I was then introduced to Mike Geary the creator of the Truth About Abs Program. Mike teaches total body workouts for fat loss and muscle building in order to see your abs.
This just made total sense to me. You can't spot reduce you need to burn off your total body fat.
So anyway this is a workout I used recently and loved it. This is just one I am working on others and will report back to you as I go along.
I am doing 4-5 sets reps 6-10 keeping my rest to 60 seconds between sets
1) Barbell Cleans a total body exercise works your legs, back, delts, forearms and grip. Also will tax your cardio vascular system big time.
2) Hindu Pushups This is not your old PE pushups. Chest, Triceps and delts are worked.
3) Barbell SquatsThe King of all exercises. Quads, Hamstrings, Lower Back, Abs and Cardio vascular.
4) Incline Dumbbell Presses Upper chest, Triceps and Delts.
5) Jump Rope Tabata Training Style Jumping Rope is another great Total body exercise. Jump as fast as you can for 20 seconds rest for 10. Repeat.
I loved this workout I hit every major muscle group gave my metabolism a kick in the butt and was beat when it was done. You know the good kind of beat when you know you accomplished something good for yourself.
The other thing I like about this workout is it's only five exercises gets done quick and they are all good functional exercises.This is a good workout for busy people short on time.
Well that's it for now. Give it a try.
Jag252 You Fit And Healthy
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