Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Lose Fat Faster with Interval Training

The days of the long boring cardio workouts are over. To get that fat burned off you don't need to spend hour after hour on a treadmill (talk about boring). Interval Training has been proven to work much faster in losing fat.

So what is Interval Training?

Put simply Interval Training consists of short bursts of intense exercise. As an example:
Sprinting- you sprint as fast as you can for 50-100 yards(your condition will dictate the distance) rest for 1-2 minutes and repeat 8-10 times.

This can be done in 10-20 minutes 2-3 times a week combined with some strength training 3-4 times a week will have you well on your way.

Can Intervals be done with Weights

Yes actually this is my preferred method for burning fat. Try this on for size.

Using only dumbells
1- Hold a dumbell in each hand at shoulder height Squat then stand up and press the bells overhead. Do eight reps. Without resting go right into the next exercise.

2- One arm snatch. Place one bell between your legs squat down and in one motion snatch the bell overhead. Do 4 reps per arm. Then go right to exercise number 3.

3- Two arm high Pull. Place both bells between your legs widen your stance grab the bells palms facing each other stand up pulling the bells up to your chin level your palms will now be facing you. Do eight reps.

4- Rest 1 minute and repeat for 8-10 sets.

Do this 3 times a week and you will burn off that fat fast.

Want to get more routines like this? Fat Loss and Muscle Building guides

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