Sunday, October 4, 2009

5 Fat Burning And Carb Burning Tips

5 Fat Burning And Carb Burning Tips

There is alot of misinformation out there today about what are the best ways to workout for fat burning and get permanent fat loss results. Anyone can lose weight for the short term (see any of the fad diets on the market today). The question and solution is how to go about fat burning to get permanent results.

If you are serious about getting off the dieting yo-yo keep reading and learn the right way to lose that body fat (permanently) gain some lean muscle and live a healthy lifestyle.

Secret #1 - The Death Of The " Fat Burning Zone Workouts "

Your fat loss workouts should be burning carbohydrates, forget about the fat burning zone!

What? I know that's not what most of the so called experts say. My point exactly. Focus your training on resistance training and interval training. Both of these use carbohydrates as the main source of energy. So it's obvious the workout is designed to burn carbohydrates during the training session.

Forget the idea of training in your "target heart rate zone" for fat burning (aka - the fat burning zone). The whole idea of a fat-burning zone is an over-simplified idea of how the body works during exercise.

Leave the inefficient fat burning zone to the mis-educated trainers in the commercial gyms (that not surprisingly, also want to sell you a heart rate monitor so you can stay in your "fat burning heart rate zone").

If you want to get the most fat burning results in the least amount of time, focus on burning carbohydrates, not fat.

Why should your fat loss workouts focus on burning carbohydrates rather than fat? In order to burn more calories after the workout, that's why. When you exercise with intervals and heavy resistance training, your body uses more calories in the hours after exercise than it would if you did traditional cardio and lifted lighter weights.

What are the results? maximum change in your body composition (helping you lose fat while gaining lean muscle).

Secret #2 - Vary Your Rep Ranges in your strength Training.

In order to train more muscle fibers and burn more carbohydrates, use a range of repetitions within the same workout. My workouts now use 6, 8, and 12 reps per set in order to work the muscle the most effectively.

This will burn more carbohydrates and promote as much muscle growth and fat loss as possible when you are keeping the calories low.

Secret #3 - Your Interval Training Use Variety

One of my favorite ways of doing my Intervals? Believe it or not a Jump Rope that's right! Jumping rope get's your whole body involved get your form down and quick intervals on the rope are great for fat burning.

Also try doing Burpees (you know the old squat thrust from school) Burpees will not only kick your butt but for another simple exercise the fat loss results can't be beat.

Secret #4 - Eat More Often

Okay, so this isn't really a secret to anyone that has read about fat loss. But a 2005 study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that eating 6 times per day was associated with eating fewer calories per day, lowering cholesterol levels, and lowering post-meal insulin levels.

Combine an increased meal frequency with an increased protein and fiber intake, and you'll see your body composition improve rapidly.

Secret #5 - Ditch The Marathon Aerobic Workouts

Are you looking for maximum results in less time? Of course you are, so why spend hour after hour on a treadmill when you can get faster and more permanent results in less time.

The strength training-interval training fat burning, fat loss workouts are efficient and effective - getting you in and out of the gym in under an hour.

But always stick to the best fat loss nutrition plan possible.

Fat Loss doesn't need to be rocket sceince. Eat right use strength training and interval training burn those carbs for fat burning, gain lean muscle, fat free head turning body.

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